Day 8 - 31 Day Blog Challenge - What's in my handbag?
What's In My Handbag? Depends on the bag!
Well I will admit it I love to be prepared for most situations. I am an over stuffer. Yup, I put as much stuff as the bag will hold. I'm working on this. LOL Slowly becoming less is more in my purse.
It really depends on the bag I carry what is in it. I have 2 styles I generally carry a side fanny pack small and easy to run around with, so my hands are free. It's my GSD purse (get s*@t done). I carry this 70% of the time. It's amazing what I can fit in this small pack: sanitizer, mask, pen, pads, headphones, teabags, honey, pen, candy, wallet, receipts, bobby-pin, daughters hair elastic, semiprecious stones (amethyst and Sillimanite) keeps me grounded. The other 20% I carry a leather bag pack because it can hold more for longer trips or plane travel.
This actually seems some what organized. Never leave home without wet wipes if you have a kid or even if you don't. They are a life saver in so many situations. Norwex lint mit. I have a thing about lint. Omg so amazing and you can put it in the laundry and no waste. Hand cream is a must in every bag, teabags, pads, tampons, pen, notepad, candy, sunglasses, lip-gloss and headphones. Not gonna lie there are probably 20 old receipts in the bottom of the bag and some random items of my kid but who needs to see half eaten granola bar stuck to the side of the bag, crumbs at the bottom probably an old Q-tip. Who really knows. Life of a mom, I just own it.
There is that rare 10% of the time when I get dressed up I will carry a designer bag or a fancy clutch. Love doing this and want to incorporate it a little more often. Generally these purses don't carry much depending on their size.. Enough for a cell phone, credit card and lip-gloss/Chapstick.
I love learning what different and random things people carry in their purses. Let me know what's in yours.