Day 9 Post - 31 Day Blog Challenge - What is my worse habit?

What is one of my worse habit? This means I have to get real vulnerable again.

 Photo Credit to - Sokunthea Duong Photography

When I started this blog challenge it was to be a fun learning easy going experience no expectations.  Basically play with how to write and the technical side of the blog push myself out of my comfort zone.  It is day 8 and I have gotten so much out of this blog sharing little pieces of myself and making myself vulnerable.  Helped me have so many awesome realizations.  I did it for me is the beautiful part not for anyone, or any accolades or this need for approval.  

I am growing as a human and it is uniquely beautiful to watch myself grow and develop this real love for myself that exists inside.  Sharing my bad habits that I am working on and learning from is a transformational experience and I feel grateful to be able to share without judging myself.  That is the real beautiful part.  In the past I would have been stuck in fear, caring to much what others would think and judged myself.  Now I love the experience for what it is.  Sharing and growing on my journey of life. Honestly admitting what some of my bad habits is a humbling experience and helping me grow so much.  That is what I am here for on this earth; learn, grow, inspire, and serve.   

A habit I know I have that I am working on is talking over people or talking loudly (mostly people close to me sometimes comes across as over confidence).  I think of myself as a loud talker and outgoing, my volume is usually medium to high.  I like to add to the life of the party. LOL.  I have recognized and heard myself talk over people to get what I need to say out before they can finish.   (thinking this was confidence)Having this need to be right.  WOW!  What an awakening internally.  Let’s get real!!!      I asked myself why was it so important for me to be right?  What did it mean? 

Being aware of this habit is the first step to changing it.  I have realized it stems from having felt silenced as a child and a youth.  I have realized I use it as a coping mechanism to feel better about myself base my self-worth.  It is something I am working on and feel empowered to keep working on.  

Life is about daily small steps.  Truthfully, it only made me feel worse when I did it.  It highlights my insecurity that I need to become louder instead of knowing and loving myself and hearing the other person out and letting them the opportunity to finish and be who they are.  Accepting them truly for who they are not what I want them or need them to be.  It feels vulnerable to be so open but so liberating for not caring and loving all of me.  I guess there is the balance in life.  I’m grateful for this realization.  It helps me realize I can change and grow, see other perspectives.  I love all of myself even my short falls.  I grow from them.       

Great book for a daily dose of love. - Heart Talk by Cleo Wade

Growth is hard, growth is real weather I like it or not, growth is amazing but doing the work is where the balance is.  Getting up each day doing your absolute best, Just giving her.  Learning to release the judgements of yourself and others regularly.  Checking yourself. Loving all of you daily.  It never gets old to keep loving you.  I need it.  That is for sure.  You need it. We all need it.  

 Another habit that helps me is movement and nutrition and living healthy, working out, any regular active lifestyle are another big habit.  It has always helped me with my mental health,  physical health and regulate my emotions.  This goes and in hand with living a balanced life.  My mood is impacted when I do not get regular movement and fresh air.  My cravings get impacted also. I take things far more personally if I don't get regular movements.  I would say this is also one of my top habits.

I figured I would share a  habit that challenged me and a habit that served me. This journey is about me empowering myself and other women to reconnect with their bodies, nurture and create a family legacy of self-love.


Day 10 - 31 Day Blog Challenge - 10 of my favorite things


Day 8 - 31 Day Blog Challenge - What's in my handbag?