Day 14 - 31 Day Blog Challenge - My Most Proud Moment
My most proud moment
Pictures say a 1000 words for me for this moment. A moment that has truly humbled me and yet made my mission in life crystal clear. Raise an empowered girl to truly love herself and go for what she puts her heart and mind to.
Proudest day of my life was the day I became a mom. The day I woke up to my life and realized my strength. You literally give your life to bring a human into this world only to get your life back.
The day I truly had peace and chaos all at once. Loving something so much outside of my body now to protect and guide that I was responsible for until she was old enough to make her own choices. WOW!
It has definitely leveled my game up as a human. To wake up to life around me and live each day and make conscious choices because the ripple effect on my daughters life and generations to come will be huge if I don't live each day to the fullest with her with love and awareness.