Day 15 Blog Post - The best thing to happen this year?
The best thing that happened this year in 2021 so far is realizing how awesome I am as a human, woman, mother, wife and most of all Reet the person. I am truly learning that I am whole and perfect exactly as who I am. I am an evolution process like this universe which is not a mistake, so perfectly made. That is the best thing that has happened this year so far. I feel so much gratitude for my life and my family I get to share it with on this earth. The realizations started to happen while I took part in a free 5 - Day Get RYL Challenge
There have been so many realizations and growth all because I decided to sign up for a free 5 day challenge on Facebook to get real about my life. I thought why not, got nothing to lose. I was having a rough day and feeling low that day. An add popped up seriously we all know marketing works on all of us in different ways. This change has changed the course of my life and how I look at myself and every single experience I have ever had. All I did was become really honest with myself through this challenge I started to set myself free by taking action in my life and I realized the answers are already in me. Above all I am learning to love myself unapologetically and unconditionally for every single part of me. I learned that it's an on going process but I had to do the work. No one else can do it for me if I wanted to live my fulfilled life.
Check it out, it's definitely worth it. If you're looking for a free challenge that will change your life. I recommend this one for sure.
Here is the link to sign up.
Get RYL Challenge