Day 6 - 31 Day Blog Post Challenge - My Five Senses Today
My Five Senses Today
It's all about engaging my kiddo right now and keeping her busy today using my senses. It isn't easy for kids right now with Covid and not being able to go out and have playdates. Great activity and helped everyone.
This exercise is a great one to enjoy in the present moment after a hard stressful day or when I may feel anxious. Getting entuned with my senses is excellent and brings me back into my body and out of my thoughts.
Today was a great day with the family. I can find myself as a mom feeling overwhelmed when I start thinking about what I need to get done and this crazy checklist in my head and start feeling irritated or restless. So I recognized this feeling happening and changed what I was doing took some small moments today to stop and practice using one of my senses at different times during the day with my daughter. I enjoyed different activities fully present in the moment today and here is what I did.
We take our food and dessert very seriously
This one is easy for me because I'm such a foodie. We enjoyed a lovely brunch and dinner as a family. For dessert we had coconut cool whip with fresh mango. It was so light, refreshing and could taste spring and summer like being on a beach somewhere. It is such a healthy dessert. I just love it. Also super easy not big mess or preparation.
Stop and smell life that's happening around you.
I stopped and smelled my jasmine that I forgot to take a picture which I believe is actually a gardenia flower. I thought all this time is was for sure Jasmine but after looking at the leaves a little closer I think its not jasmine but gardenia. I'm not for sure but it looks like from pictures its a gardenia but reminds me of Jasmine. My Basil plant is also smelling and holding up nicely.
We enjoyed touching the soil and getting our hands dirty. Well Mila enjoyed the getting dirty part for sure more than me. LOL
We planted the ends of the green onions we enjoyed for dinner to watch the grow so we can enjoy them gain. My girlfriend game me this great idea to do it with my green onions and I thought what a great experience to share with my daughter. It is such an easy fast activity we both enjoyed and will continue to enjoy together. Watching something grow is such an awesome feeling. To experience the touch of the dirt and watering the soil was very healing.
Look at the world from a childs eye
The sound of hearing my kid enjoy and just have pure innocent fun is such an amazing sound. It brings me in touch with my own inner child and want to play. This sound can expand my heart so much. It can also blow my heart up when she doesn't stop wining in the car or store. LOL Just saying got to love both sounds. Can't have one without the other.
Life is to short not to laugh at it.
I also been sorting and organizing and been going through old pictures of my daughter when she was younger and I just love watching her grow.
I stood outside today and could hear all the birds chirping and leaves rustling and feel spring in the air. It was such a beautiful, harmonious sound. The birds out in BC are just amazing. Felt such gratitude to be able to hear sound today. It really does bring you to enjoy the moment. I love listening to music but sometimes its nice to shut off all the noises and listen to true nature. Nothing like the real thing.